Friday, October 29, 2004


Report from Rescue 2004 Italy

(This report has been slightly edited for readability and to respect the privacy of the people mentioned herein.)

The purpose of the Rescue 2004 event is Life Saving competition and international development planning meetings.

Australian Life Saving Chaplaincy--a branch of Athletes in Action Australia was officially approached to provide chaplaincy service during this world championship. The primary focal point of the service was a tent provided by the International Committee right on the beach in the middle of the activity and clearly labeled Chaplain Centre.

The total number of nations at the competition: 35...
The number of nations (represented by vistiors) at the Chaplain Centre: 29...

...including...Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay.)There are 18 contacts to follow up for various reasons. Great Britain, South Africa, Trinidad Tobago, Taiwan, and India are to be followed up about chaplaincy.

From the Chaplain Centre the small team distributed sports/Jesus Film DVD’s, testimonies, tracts, brochures and "Answers to the Big 4 Questions".

The DVD’s were a rush shipment from Campus Crusade Orlando and similarly the Answers to the Big 4 Questions from Answers In Genesis USA.

E. G. from Uruguay is competing with the Argentinean Team. He came back a number of times speaks little English but enough to communicate. He bowed and said ‘I honour you’ (strange). He is going to take information back to the Uruguay conference in November. He wanted to swap for one of our T/Shirts but he didn’t have anything to swap, we gave him one of our new
T/shirts anyway and his face just lit up.

We also met T., an administrator for the Qatar team and sports psychologist.

A guy from Scarborough WA discussed the need for chaplains. His club has had a suicide and another person from WA did the same.

Met with the ILS Secretary Generalle. His secretary was very helpful and asked for stories for the ILS website.

Met a boatie and his wife from Terrigal who are Christians and said they will come to the service. Met with a Christian from Cronulla.

Met with the wife of the President South Africa Life Saving. She suggested that we write again to South Africa about chaplaincy.

A German competitor asked what we were about and was upset about how the church "took and did not give". We explained about the chaplaincy and how it was based on Jesus teaching and His work on earth. A Swiss guy had the same attitude and a Swede said he gave up going to church in 1998 as it did not help his faith and actually discussed the Chaplaincy for a while asked from where we got the money to come and to give out literature. We explained that the church and individual Christians gave money and that over the past 7-8 years $80,000 has been given to Life Saving Chaplaincy to be used on Life Saving work such as assisting with Literature and getting chaplains into clubs. This blew his argument and he said that he has not heard of any church doing this before. The Swiss, Swedish and German people are taxed for the running of the church.

Mrs K. S. asked questions on the chaplaincy and was told it was based on Jesus example and teaching. She warmed to that as she was educated in a religious boarding school and had learnt that way. She appreciated the chaplaincy and said ‘Maybe we should get you over’. She took literature and contact points.

Two Hungarians came. They spoke little English but took Russian B4 (Answer to Four Big Questions) as did some of the Lithuanian team. More Lithuanians also took testimonies.

A Team Manager (from an Asian country) took information and was interested in chaplaincy. He was also interested in having people over there to teach Resuscitation and Surf Skills in schools. He will contact us.

This huge Romanian guy dropped the baton in the relay and was greatly distressed. I spoke to him briefly to little or no avail the language barrier was too large. On a similar note a week later a British lass J fell off her ski in the Taplin relay (ski, board & swim) and lost it for her team. She cleared off the beach away from her team. A Christian guy ‘Blondie’ came and asked us to pray for her after he had found her about 600 metres away on a secluded part of the beach and tried to get her back to the team. About an hour later he came and asked if we could speak too her as she was still sobbing and isolated. She returned to her team and they demonstratively showed their care for her. She was away for about 3 hours. It was a good opportunity while initially speaking with her to compare and share Gods love and forgiveness and restoration even we know we have failed and are feeling poorly.

J. L., Commonwealth Secretary of Royal Life Saving Society, made a number of visits to the tent. He attends a church in England. He was most impressed with the chaplaincy concept took all the literature and said he will pass it on to the Chief Executive Officer. When we arrived home there was a letter confirming he has passed on the chaplaincy information.

Another lady D. whose father is a minister was amazed to find a Chaplain at a Life Saving event. She has been judging competitions for a number of years. She stayed on her knees for 20-30 minutes asking questions and details of what we do. Her business with Life Saving keeps her away from church. She was encouraged to make God her focus and return to fellowship.

An Argentinean Christian called in and shared that he has wandered away from his faith and wanted to return.

A.S. Co-ordinator of Trinidad/Tobaga Life Savers is interested in the Chaplaincy and will take the information back to the organization. She left her address for further communication.
Sunday morning service. Theoretically to start 7.00am but due to ‘hiccups’ 20 minutes late. Several Life Saving authorities came to the sunrise service including National Vice Presidents of Life Saving from Sth Africa, USA, Great Britain. Simon sang and spoke. It was wonderful to hear the gospel broadcast over the whole beach and back to the hotels. There were not many in the stand but all around the beach people stopped and listened. We praise the Lord for Simon coming over to Italy to sing at our Service and we loved having Molly, Declan and baby Hannah there to.

F. was interpreting for the service. She was on the commentary team, and Simon had given her one of his CD’s. Later she was and took a Jesus DVD convinced that Jesus was a human and therefore not perfect. She couldn’t accept scriptures on Jesus being the sinless Son of God. There was some language barrier. On the last day she said ‘It is not about the church but God’. That was such a revelation for her. She must have been thinking during the week. God had worked with her during the week. We will keep in contact. Phil hosted the services both Sundays. He never seems to get frustrated even when there is disorganization.

An Indian youth finding what we were about made the statement “I don’t discuss religion I am an atheist. If there is a higher power let him organize. Discussed the value of an external set of rules and code of conduct and man made rules and conduct. Suggested that God has given us a set of external values. He thanked us for giving him something to ponder on

Lisa arrived on Monday...(we) picked her up from Piza Airport. We had a great time with Lisa. It has been a long time since we saw her last. Lisa is like a daughter to us, we love her so much. She came out to Australia for six months to do a term at University and spoke at many schools, and we met her when she came up here to speak at the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships. She returned to USA and finished her degree and is now a Producer with ESPN and has 3 recent Emmys. She came over to have a holiday with us in Italy and to speak at our Service. She was incredible and everyone enjoyed what she had to say.

Les came on Tuesday. He also is a special friend who helps in the same way as Lisa. He is always there for us in times of need and God has blessed us all greatly in our ministry together. He flew over from Sydney to help us and he certainly did that. We love him and praise God for his commitment and loyalty.

A young German student M. doing his PhD in Nuclear Science asked what we were about. He listened and took literature. Two other German guys took B4’s. They were very interested but have a hatred for the orgaised church.

2 UK tourists had a long discussion. They believe there is a God but have doubts because of the Irish religious groups and what happens in the middle east.

L. from Sth Africa, took literature. We had a lot of encouragement from South Africans We also have a guy who is interested in the SA Chaplaincy. He and his wife are training hard at the moment for the next Olympic Games 2008.

M. T, Cork Club Ireland was an atheist, converted, and was attending an evangelical church, backslidden, wants to get back to God. Will follow up. She took a copy of all the literature.

G. read through the German translation Why? How? and wanted to keep it. She understood the concept of the tract. She took other literature as well.

S a young polish guy was very interested in why we were there. Took literature to look into it further.

N. (Sticks, because of his thin legs) came into the tent to have his lunch without sand. Maureen started to chat with him and got around to the gospel. Eventually he received Christ and was so anxious to tell his girl friend who is a Christian. He is one great guy and fun to be with, we are waiting to hear some good news from him and his girlfriend. He is a beach sprinter, good too, and so happy to have Jesus in his life. Go Sticks.

E. from Germany a Life Guard and Policeman chatted openly with Maureen. He doesn’t think much of the church but was free to discuss Christianity. He took a DVD. But kept coming back for more every day. We had a lot of good talks.

Two Spanish girls took literature, but spoke little English. They were hard to communicate with, but who knows. The seed was sown.

Trevor Reid President Southend Life Saving Club Belfast also an elder of the church of Scotland was most encouraging and has never seen the church involved publicly in Life Saving. His club has young Protestants and Catholics working together harmoniously.

An Italian guy little English said ‘Help from God very important’...we concur.

J. L a young French guy is looking at `religion in sports’. Took a French translation Why? How? and left his email for follow up.

A young guy from Wanda, Z. C. had a tragic 12 months spoke to Les for some time and returned off & on. He raced against Sticks. Go Z. (Well, he was an Aussie)

C from Botswana a school teacher very interested, took one of everything.

2 Germans with limited English believe in God but won’t go to church and hate church goers. They spoke with Maureen for over an hour and loved hearing about Australian culture and church going.

E an Italian who lives and goes to church in Ireland, spoke with Lisa and took Four Big questions and a DVD.

D F (Blondie) a Baptist, Southhampton Uni Life Saving Club had a good chat once again amazed to see a chaplain at such an event.

B from Botswana beautiful Christian is very willing to testify for Jesus. She is attending university and also is a French Interpreter for the government.

M. from France was excited to have a DVD about Jesus in his language.

3 Russian Girls so excited to see Christian literature in their language. Took B4 questions.
A Guy from Netherlands spoke to Lisa for ages. Took B4 and a DVD.

C from Germany talked to Les about Christianity took a DVD, books and testimonies. Parents went to church but have stopped. Christina still has a desire to know more about God.

Les and Lisa spoke to a girl (G) from Germany really interested. Claims that one day she will be a Christian. She has to work through some stuff

2 Canadian girls spoke for a while and took some literature.

V D a lovely Christian woman attends a Campus Crusade Bible Study at Uni. Prayed to meet a Christian and was introduced to a ministry. She is interested in mission. Terry will certainly be keeping in touch with her.

C R, from Netherlands won Gold in 2000 Olympics believes in God took B4 and DVD
B. Nth Ireland Protestant took testimonies.

Lisa spoke well at the last Sunday service. She is a natural relating her life struggles to the gospel. It was such a clear, precise, gospel presentation.

H. said “You have said that before!” Lisa, “ No just for this service.”
H. came to the tent and spoke to us all. He also brought the event organizers and the Italian Senator responsible for Sport. He seemed to like introducing “the Chaplains”.

As you can see from our Report, we have many to pray for and keep in contact with. Its quite alarming really and we would encourage you to pray with us for all those we met in and out of the tent. We had an incredible time in Italy and we have some funny stories to tell, too many to mention here but the absolute highlight of the whole adventure was the 2 weeks at the Worlds Life Saving watching where God was working and joining him there. God is truly amazing and we feel so privileged to do what He has called us to do. We are so happy to be home as we missed our family heaps.

(I should mention however that in addition to the Chaplain Centre Tent Service. Terry was also asked to provide two public Sunrise Services on the beach during the ten days of the competition. Simon Mills (a very popular former Queensland radio personality--musician and comic) paid for his own trip over to assist Terry with the services. I will finish here by adding excerpts from his "unusual" report on that activity.)

"It was an absolute blessing to be asked to speak at the event in Italy and it enabled us to have a most wonderfully refreshing break to regenerate and regroup as a family. The actual event went very well despite the international challenges. By this I do not mean language but culture, for eg, I started with a song (Finally Come Home) and half way through it a guy on a tractor comes right past the front of the speaking area smoothing out the sand for the next beach event and making a rather big racket. He did make the sign of the cross when he drove past me. Hmmm I thought, that has never happened to me before. He may have mistook me for the Pope.
Other cultural differences included, “no it is impossible to get electricity to the stage, you will have to bring the piano up here to plug it in. Despite these small challenges it was a wonderful morning and the Italians were very welcoming and most helpful. It is not often you get to stand on a beachfront on a Sunday morning in Italy as the Sun comes up (behind you) and speak to people across the beach about how God has blessed your life. Viareggio is a resort town surrounded by mountains. On this Sunday morning I sung songs that echoed along the beach and into those mountains and not many people in the world have had opportunities like that. I am sure there is still plenty of Italians wondering what on earth the loud fat Australian songs were, emanating from the beach into their apartments, but they didn’t seem to mind and the people on the beach responded very well. There was even an interpreter there to try and explain what on earth I was talking about to the non English speaking people. There were people there from 35 countries so I am sure the Swiss and Polish teams etc had plenty of trouble with me too but one thing the interpreter was able to communicate was the closing statement which summed it all up in a Christian/ life saving kind of way. Christianity is like swimming, you can explain it to people until you are blue in the face (a little life saving joke there) but until they dive in they have no idea.

Terry Legg, the Surf Life Saving chaplain and guru was the man responsible for this opportunity and it was a wonderful thing to have done. We also got to spend some time with Terry and his wife Maureen over the following days including 4 trips to Pisa (20 minutes down the road and obviously home of one crooked tower)."

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